About our Kiwanis club

Since 1973 the Kiwanis Club of Poway has been helping local children and having a good time doing it! We’re known as the helping hands of Poway.

Our service projects range from cooking meals for the developmentally disabled residents of Villa de Vida to providing holiday gifts for needy kids and scholarships to high school seniors. We are the founding member of the non-profit consortium at the Poway Chamber of Commerce. We work closely with the San Diego Blood Bank, the Community Food Connection, and our local school’s Homework Club. We are also the proud sponsors of the Miss Poway Scholarship Pageant, the Poway Heroes Softball game, and the Kiwanis Cup high school game. We are famous for serving pancake breakfasts on our grill all over town including opening day at Poway American Little League to veterans at Web Park on Memorial Day. We also provide hundreds of free bicycle helmets each year at the Poway Safety Fair.

We help children and teens learn the value of community service through sponsorships of the Key Club at Poway High School. Also, we sponsor an Aktion Club for developmentally disabled adults. Each year, we join with these groups to clean up local parks and for other events.

Our signature service project is “Holiday with Heroes” where underserved local children shop for family members with a member of the military or first responder.

We meet at least twice a month at the Hamburger Factory in the evening and have multiple service opportunities available weekly for members. More information about our club can be found at www.powaykiwanis.org.

Join Us

Are you ready to help create communities that let all children thrive, prosper and grow? It’s pretty easy to do! Simply contact us with your questions and apply for Kiwanis club membership here.

The kids in your community and the world are counting on you!
